When I first heard about choosing a topic for photo essay,I started to think,"What is the thing that I want the most in GLPS?" The answer came to me instantly. Ramen!! If I wasn't here I would be feasting myself with it right now!But since I'm rotting myself in GLPS, I couldn't even smell ramen for three weeks.Then I started to think, how was ramen made? It is the most popular instant food in Korea but a,most none of us know the history of it! So, today I will write about the history of instant Ramen and what kind of ramen there is.
A fish getting fried in oil
Look at the boiling oil. The fish is going into the boiling oil. When it comes out , The flour will be dehydrated and it will have many wholes inside it. After seeing this scene, A man called Ando Aomohaka got the idea of instant ramen. He also found out that the cardboard hard dehydrated noodle would be chewy after staying in the steaming hot water.Then at 1958 instant ramen was invented.
A picture of cup ramen that is being cooked
It wouldn't be fare to say " I know the history of instant ramen " without knowing the history of cup ramen. A man named Ando got the idea of cup ramen from this scene.-Foreigners are getting introduced about Ramen. They want to taste it but its out side so they don't have any tools. They decide to eat it by dumping noodle in a paper cup with hot water. A moment later a potable mini ramen is cooked!- After ando's hard work, cup ramen was invented in 1971.
A traditional Korean Ramen
When Ramen was introduced to Korea in 1963, people would refuse to eat it. It was to slippery and it did not fit to Korean culture.But because of the government's hard work with advertising, Now Koreans eat average 84 ramens a year. I never thought we ate it that much!
A classical red ramen , the most popular one.
Ramen is ready. its bubbling and steaming. You can smell the spicyness in the air and your mouth is watering. Finally you set the table and start to eat it with kimchi. That is the thing that is going to happen in a few moments if I was in the picture.Oh, you'll never be able to guess what I would give right now for steaming red ramen right now!
Red ramens are popular, but it started to lose some of its popularity as time went by.So, the companies made extra spicy white ramen to make some new sensational ramen. But, since white ramens don't get along with rice, it soon lost it's popularity. Nowadays, it's your lucky day if you find white ramen in the store.
A white ramen that was made to gain new interest of the buyers
The last kind of ramen are the ones that you see in the picture. Find any difference? There are no soup! Usually those ramens are made by fallowing these steps.
First you cook the ramen's noodle in hot water.
Then you throw out almost all of the waters.
Finally you cook the noodle in the pan with the sauce that you have.
As odd as it sounds, Korea's number one instant food that is loved from babies to old folks is as unhealthy as possible
Kiwon- I like your photo essay and now I also want to eat ramen. Some of your paragraphs are not so descriptive but others are written very well explaining the smell, sight and taste. Good job!